Dental implants

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Dental implants

Success in implant therapy not only depends on a precise surgical approach and the use of well-tested dental implants, but on the long term maintenance of the integration between the implant and surrounding tissues. The surgical approach and the quality of the implants will determine successful implant osseointegration and its short term stability, thus allowing the dentist to fabricate the prosthetic restoration and to provide the patient with the appropriate function and aesthetics. The long term success, however, will depend more on preventing the development of pathology in the peri-implant tissues, which eventually may lead to tissue destruction and bone resorption around the implants.

The key to revert this outcome is the prevention and early recognition of these inflammatory changes in order to allow for immediate intervention for the assurance of complete resolution and maintenance of healthy peri-implant tissues. This is the main objective of implant supportive therapy and it is the key to long-term success.

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